
Tag Archives: folds

So my marine inspired project? It’s having to take a back step just now as since coming back from New Designers last week it’s been incredibly hectic. Today has been the first day where i’ve been able to clean up my room/studio in a long time. It’s still not totally clean, but I’ve had to do other things 😉

Like, emailing, form filling, emailing,sending letters, emailing. Type up an invoice, of which i won’t say who it’s for yet. But will do in a few days.
But also, I’ve been doing some quick designing for Tiger Prints, Design A Print competition. Now, stupidly i left my computer at home while i was in London, so i returned home on the 4th July and realised that the competition finished at midnight on 5th July.
I know i don’t have any inch of a chance of winning but i thought id give it a go and whipped up 5 designs in the few hours on the 5th that i had spare.
It was great to work quickly and get back into designing after the few weeks off. So for that, i feel i’ve benefited greatly. Even if the designs aren’t the most amazing pieces of work i’ve ever done.




All very different from what id normally do, with little colour and very geometric. Maybe my class mates have been rubbing off on me!

Back to those emails i guess…

I’ve been keeping everything reasonably hush hush on here with the work i’ve been producing these past six months. Keeping everything secret until the opening of the Duncan Of Jordanstone Degree Show, which opened last Friday in a whirlwind. Only now am I slowly being able to make my way around the show looking at what everyone else has been up to. And it’s all incredible. If you haven’t been already, I suggest you get down quickly, as the last day will be this Sunday 27th May.

Anyway, i had a huge turn around in January, moving on from the cyanotype process id been focusing on September to December, but still keeping the floral theme strong. Even stronger in fact. It came about as i looked back through my research work and found some very strong and atmospheric photographs i’d taken and went back into researching a huge love of mine, Renaissance paintings by The Old Masters. Wanting to take influence from their dark and dramatic paintings and opulent colour palettes to create rich and lavish designs for interiors. While juxtaposing the old style with new technology. I took on the design challenge to reinvent the floral design that is so omnipresent in today’s textile industry, giving it a classical twist while using the technology of the 21st century.

And that’s how my digital work came about!

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